Monday 23 September 2019

Roulette Professional - Cash Retraction Example

Roulette Professional - Cash Retraction Example
The objective - our casino winning statement
Before our cash retraction exercise is to begin, we need to set some markers that will guide our winning opportunities. Markers are simply elements that control our money into the game, these act like boundaries in ensuring that we don't walk of the losing cliff.
The first marker I will set is the bankroll, the bankroll is the fundamental supply to any gambling situation and must be well managed from the word go. Get things right at the beginning and you'll only add favour to your profits potential during the game.
Therefore, I set my bankroll to a marker of 10 percent, this means I am going into the roulette table with $20.00, which is 10 percent of my $200.00 bankroll. I use no more and no less, this is my first marker placed and also the primary controlling application for this example.
The next marker is my betting system, I will choose a simple double on winning and reduce on losing bets pattern. This can be quite a common selection amongst gamblers and there is a reason for this, as it allows for you to ride fluctuation for longer, therefore experiencing the winning and losing reversals for an extended period. Well, in gambling an extended period can only mean more opportunities to rake back some cash growth.
The final marker is my profit margin, it is very important to set yourself a profits goal, nothing to high as you'll fail to reach it, 100 percent is too high and similarly anything to low will only take years to build that huge gambling bankroll.
I go with 30 percent as a profits margin, I find that during an upswing I can usually hit this amount and exit safely before the losing curve shows up. So 30 percent will be our last marker, we now have three markers in place of which we can now use in our example of cash retraction on the basis of a 30 percent profits improvement.
Example of a cash retraction situation in online roulette
Now then, into the casino game. The following is an example of how a retraction of cash can be employed within a game of roulette to produce a cash opportunity in excess of 30 percent.
Initial credit to begin with $20.00 ( ten percent of the bankroll )
Target profit margin $26.00 ( 30 percent of that ten percent of the bankroll )
1. First bet - opportunist bet
Your first bet is an opportunist bet, therefore requires no direct influence from any other decision, so go with it and bet initially at ten percent of your total, red or black, odds or even, whatever.
2. Just two correct initial bets will reach your profit marker
Lets say we bet red and hit ( our amount is $24.00, we are nearly there )
Lets say we bet red again and that also hits ( We now have $26.00 ) therefore time to leave, you can now see that by getting just two initial fifty fifty bets correct, you can reach the 30 percent profit margin in little time and can therefore be achieved after just two correct bets.
3. Taking more than two bets, a losing scenario and recovery
Starting with our $20.00 and trying to get to $26.00 can sometimes be a little more problematic and therefore requires riding winning and losing events and timing things perfectly in order to walk away with the goods.
Your first bet $2.00 on red, it misses, you are now left with $18.00, I now halve the next bet, $1.00, likely it comes in im back to $19.00, I now double my next bet, regardless of color, that is not important, if I win now, i'm up to $21.00. So i'm actually in a better position should I manage two successful bets consistently, then i'll actually have $27.00 rather than $26.00, therefore jumping clearly over the 30 percent profit marker.
Importance of riding fluctuation and taking small profits
You can see now the clarity of achieving cash retraction quite simply when you consider using markers, more importantly a profit margin and keeping it low and easily achievable.
Ok, you're not going to make a fortune over night, but think about the possibilities of one day working with a bankroll in excess of a $1000.00, then you'll be going after profit margins of $33.00 in every 10 minute sitting.
Remember, casino success is not short term luck, it's long term profit.
Good luck

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